
I make songs, and now websites I guess.

I created this website because I wanted a little place where a few friends could share songs with each other. There are lots of big places for this already of course, but they all feel so noisy and cold and impersonal to me. I figure maybe some of you also feel the same way, so I made this little song place just for us.

This idea had been bouncing around in my head for a couple years, ever since I listened to this podcast where Devon Zuegel and Char Stiles talk about code as a home-cooked meal (a phrase inspired by this blog). That idea really stuck with me, and I've been thinking a lot about what sort of code meals I might be able to cook myself.

So this is my attempt at doing just that - cooking up a little website to share with y'all. I'm not a professional web developer by any means, nor a professional chef. But I figure with a little practice, maybe I can still make something tasty.


You can also find me on the internet in these places:
‣ Dreams: CFulljames
‣ Discord: @cfulljames

Songs by tag:
‣ vocals
‣ instrumental
‣ archives
‣ dreams
