Gouldian Free fall

Song by rakeogh DJ Frags

A post rock shoegazey type track made in Dreams which samples elements of two tracks from DJ Frags and remastered in Reaper.
My first attempt at remastering outside Dreams. Difficult decisions to make with such a loud track of so many layers and different sounds.
Uploaded 2025-02-18
cfulljames: Such a dynamic track. It gets small, and it gets massive, and it sounds great at both ends of the spectrum!
rakeogh: Thanks! I had trouble with this one as I decided to split the recording into stems and forgot about the whole time shift with Dreams running at 30hz
cfulljames: Yeah it can be a pain! Anything with keyframes or non-audio gadgets renders a teensy bit different every time. I've found that doing a quick save before rendering each stem (after soloing the tracks) at least eliminates the little offsets introduced by the auto-saves, but it's still not perfect :/
rakeogh: I thought most of the problems I had were drift with longer takes and I used a little bit of time stretch to correct it. I didn't think about the keyframes. I should try and do a count in and count out next time to see if it's snapped to the grid and if the drift is consistent.
cfulljames: In my experience the drift is usually caused by the auto saves. If I quick save before hand, it usually lines up to the grid perfectly